Saturday 9 November 2013

A muddy leg of pain... 09/11/13

Intended - 5 miles

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Actually done - 3.9miles... in 36m35seconds...

Mainly cos my legs were killing me. Think I've over done it last week and slightly strained the muscles... i didn't run for the last two days (although i did a fair distance on the bike going to dentist and Camden etc) after the squash debacle... but basically the whole of the legs hurt and I was slow....

Having said that - it's nice run, the bit from just north of the reservoir to Finsbury park on the New River is proper off road. I was expecting some form of cider path minimum, but just got a muddy grassy verge for a mile or so - was quite pleasant, a bit like being in Wigan... especially  with the rainy cold weather.

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anyway - the fight for fitness continues... got a long way to go, cant even run 5 miles, got to run 26... still fat, still heavy... hopefully the next run shall be better...

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