Sunday 3 November 2013

5th run , 03/11/13

1st big long proper outdoor run - this route below, which is 6.5miles or 10.5km according to google maps, took 1 hour and 5 minutes, although i did stop occasionally to cross road, or to have a look around Paul and Anna's new house (which looks amazing)...

Felt okay, and certainly managed to keep a steady pace without any worries really. slight stitch in my back but that seems to be always there and i hope shall get less and less as i get fitter. The pace i was clicking along at though - felt really slow, that i must look like a fat potato bearded man just chomping slowly down the road, sweating... but apparently - judging from the google maps and the time, I'm on 6 miles and hour, which is 10 min miles, which is a little bit slow for 4hrs of under (work out at 4hrs 25 - adina's time!). Need to get that route down to about 50 minutes i reckon...

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Oh - i havent lost any weight at all, and am still fat as fook and i'm still stealing fags of friends whenever i see them... perhaps 6 yesterday with the footie and going to Dre's Day of the Dead party...

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