Wednesday 30 October 2013

3rd and 1st fartlek - 30/10/13

So, today, the first road based run, and my training guide said fartlek, so fartlek I did do. Now I got a proper love for Hackney Downs, mainly as it's always nicer than you expect, and not full of trendies (although that is starting to change what with the Russet appearing near the once shady entrance  -gentrification continues unbounded, but that for someone else to pontificate on). 

So I ran out the estate, past our old house and down to Hackney Downs - the AdinaSoros says that's 1.5 miles, but I'm inclined to think it's less. Got there in 11 minutes. one lap I am pretty certain is 1 mile, maybe just shy, and I fartlek'ed two light posts at a time, jogged (almost crawled) 2 then ran two. Now I don't think I was particularly quick over the 2 I ran and I was certainly very slow over the two I jogged, I even had to walk the occasional one, and free styled a bit when knackered... but I did two laps this way (although thought about dropping out after one) - this took me to 28 minutes, then jogged home and stopped at Chickpizz at 39 minutes... Felt pretty pretty terrible coming back, really hurt, stitch in my back, legs tight, got to push through that. I look forward to being a crisp packet on the air like Adina and managing 3 hours easily!

so adding that up, and taking a bit off, we get 1.5 + 1 + 1 + 1.5 = 5 miles, rounded down a bit - 4.5miles and I wasn't running that quick - surely no more than 10min miles, so I'll say 4 miles... which is around 6.5km... so seeing as I've rounded down...

40 minutes! 
unknown calories, as not in the machine, but probably same if not more than machine
Weight - still 92kg, and that was starkers after a shower, so that hasn't changed at all (which isn't surprising the amount I'm eating - but then it is that time of the year, dark early where one's mind turns to food and my appetite, as in all previous years has skyrocketed... I know it's come down in spring, and I'll eat less and lose slightly less weight over the summer than I put on over the winter, as has always been the case...)
Belly size - to be honest, I look down at my kentch and it's a fooking huge lump that NEEDS TO FOOK OFF!

Smoked a fag with Stefan when I knocked in there briefly on the way home. Was well good! Need to stop that shit!

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