Sunday 27 October 2013

2nd - 27/10/13

After a stinking hangover yesterday (after cheese's party and me red carding myself for being a fule) yet for another gym based run. Decided, quite rightly, that i should run further than last time, so aimed for 40 minutes. As I got near the end though instead of speeding up increased length of time slightly. Bit bored, but felt pretty good most the time except about 20 minutes in when i looked at the clock, thought I've still got half to do and felt bloody awful for a little bit! Weirdly this was pretty much the same time into the run as the the point of euphoria on the last run... 10 minutes from the end last time, half way this time... but the euphoria this time came at about 32 minutes... so ten from the end... Perhaps it's the finish that excites...

Cant imagine being able to run at that pace for 4hrs 15minutes, which is the goal...

Meant to swim, but didn't. It was only really half an intention.

so anyway - 

Route - at the gym on the outside runner again. Quite like it there on the sly
Time - 43 minutes (originally 40 but i plused it up by 3)
Distance - 7.06km
Calories - 660 or thereabouts.
Speed - mainly 10km/h - in fact all the time except the first two minutes which means that my average is 9.86...
Weight - haven't weighed myself, the same, if not more considering drinking, smoking and eating since.
Belly size - had the biggest fooking curry of all time yesterday, couldn't stop eating the bugger, so still bulbous!

Speaking of smoking - smoked liek the old days on Friday night, then had two (one split into two halves) yesterday... today... thus far, zero cigs. 

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